Collision phone inquiries are generally created because somebody had an accident. Most collision phone customers have limited experience in handling the accident experience and are looking for help, how you handle them will determine if their vehicle reaches your shop or not.
Let’s start by examining the following questions:
1. Why do customers call?
a. They have a need
i. They have been involved in an accident
ii. They are restoring a vehicle
b. They want somebody to help them.
i. They have unanswered questions
ii. They are unsure of the process
2. What motivates a customer?
a. Your ability to help them
b. Your ability to convince them you can help
c. Your ability to answer their questions
3. How is a phone inquiry different from a walk in customer?
a. The phone customer is inquiring!
b. The phone customer is looking for answers
4. What are our goals when taking phone inquiries?
a. Get the customer and vehicle to the shop
5. What tools do we have when taking a phone inquiry?
a. Empathy
b. Experience
c. CSI ratings
d. Certifications
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