Consulting Services

Consulting Services: I Provide "Maximum Benefit For Minimum Expense." Because of the progressive nature of my program I am able to provide services at a reasonable expense for maximum benefit utilizing my 35 years of Automotive Collision Repair Management experience. My programs accomplish this through education, facilitation and implementation of sound marketing, management and sales processes. Contact John Shoemaker -

"JSE Consulting is working today to change the habits of yesterday to make the collision industry better tomorrow!"

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Marketing your customer base is important!

Marketing your customer base is important to maintain workflow.  When talking about marketing to shops I hear "I have five DRP's, they keep me busy".  My question to them is how many of them are repeat customers and how many are new.  My bet is most of them are new. Relying on your DRP to market for you makes you susceptible to their ebbs and flows negatively affecting your workflow.

By marketing your customer base you retain your customer regardless of their insurance company affiliation.  There are numerous commercials luring customers from one insurance company to another and unless you are a DRP for all of them your customer could be directed to your competition.   

By staying in contact with your customer you develop loyalty that will help combat insurance company steering.  Customers want to know they have somebody that can help them when they have an accident.  When you have stayed in touch with them they will turn to you, when you haven’t, they will rely on the insurance company recommendations.

There are many tools available to maintain contact with your customers as well as different methods.  Which method or tool you use depends on your marketing target. I recommend you do a little research before you pick one or maybe two to reach your customers. 

What are you doing to stay in touch with your customers?

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