Consulting Services

Consulting Services: I Provide "Maximum Benefit For Minimum Expense." Because of the progressive nature of my program I am able to provide services at a reasonable expense for maximum benefit utilizing my 35 years of Automotive Collision Repair Management experience. My programs accomplish this through education, facilitation and implementation of sound marketing, management and sales processes. Contact John Shoemaker -

"JSE Consulting is working today to change the habits of yesterday to make the collision industry better tomorrow!"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Don't Panic

I was reading an article on Jim Muehlhausen, author of The 51 Fatal Business Errors and How to Avoid Them and came across this statement that I felt was worth sharing.

“Decisions made out of panic and anxiety are rarely, if ever, the right ones. I’m not sure there is a single business book or consulting firm that has recommended running scared when times are bad. That being said, far too many business owners let fear affect them and their choices. Times are not great, but people still have money and companies are still spending. For every business that is closing, ten more are surviving. So, relax, focus and get smart about how to navigate the tough times. You may find you wind up doing even better than before.”

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